City Of Fayetteville Takes New Strides To Improve Health With Vending Options

Sept. 16, 2016

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — The City of Fayetteville has issued guidelines endorsed by the American Heart Association that implements evidence-based nutrition standards for healthier food and beverages in vending machines provided in buildings and property owned or leased by the City. 

Fayetteville Mayor Lioneld Jordan officially announced the healthy vending guidelines as one of the ways in which the City of Fayetteville retains its Fit Friendly Gold status on Tuesday, September 13 at 11 a.m. on the Fayetteville Square in front of the Town Center. 

The association’s guidelines ensures that if vending machines are located on city properties such as public libraries, parks, pools and community centers, they will meet recommended nutrition standards to provide residents with healthier options, as well as use calorie labeling to provide basic education on nutritional value of what is available. 

In addition, the majority of Fayetteville’s city employees will benefit from healthier choices in vending machines where they work, including City Hall, division buildings, police and fire departments. 

 “These guidelines are a good first step for offering healthier options to the community when working at or visiting City property. We worked closely with the American Heart Association on these guidelines in order to promote health and wellness in Fayetteville,” said Mayor Jordan. “We are excited to also celebrate another year as a Fit-Friendly Worksite with the Association.” 

 Vending machines can still carry some of the traditional snack foods people have come to expect, but now those looking for healthy options will have more choices.