Smile! We’ve Got You on Camera – Theft Preventions Tips and Tricks

Securing your MicroMarket against theft doesn’t have to be an insurmountable task and certainly shouldn't keep you up at night. However, you do need a clear and actionable plan to deter and catch theft should it occur. That means installing cameras to monitor high-traffic areas in the market, placing signage throughout and reviewing POS transaction data.

Within your MicroMarket locations, it is important to monitor customer activity: products being purchased, proper use of the kiosk, operational standards, items in stock, customer services, etc. Leveraging video monitoring, inventory reports and POS transaction data will help you keep an eye on what’s happening in your market.

Furthermore, strategic camera placement and signage will deter people in the first place. We’ve even had a few operators admit that their cameras aren’t always recording, but just having their presence in the market has kept theft to a minimum.

Installing a camera system has many benefits, including giving you peace of mind. Video monitoring can:

  • be instrumental in identifying internal & external issues
  • help discover trends that are common throughout various locations, from transaction canceling to simply taking products
  • record up to 30 days of standard motion recording on a DVR system

Here are the best practices for video monitoring placement:

Kiosk Camera #1: This camera is used primarily to monitor the kiosk screen and user. It should be placed at a distance so the screen is clear and you can see the customer’s interaction.

Kiosk Overview Camera #2: A shot that still shows the kiosk, but it is inclusive of the area around the kiosk to show product displays. This enables one to see behavior around the kiosk, but not directly at it.

Overview Cameras #3 and #4: The objective is to capture the overall area and inventory of the MicroMarket location and the customers interacting with the products and the environment.

You’ve likely discussed with your technology provider about the best locations to install a MicroMarket and know that closed environments, such as employee breakrooms are the most practical. And we know that theft generally occurs during 2nd and 3rd shift, main break times and early/late shifts, most people aren’t willing to risk their jobs for a dollar Snickers® bar. Having a visible security system in place will encourage people to be honest and hold those who aren’t accountable.

The best way to stop theft in its tracks is with constant vigilance. Have a clear theft deterrence and monitoring plan in place to protect your assets. It is understandable if you don't have the resources to dedicate to that. In an effort to aid operators in monitoring their markets without pouring over hours of video footage and inventory lists, 365 Retail Markets developed the Cancel Report feature which will show you if a transaction was canceled, timestamp it, and provide an image of the customer. Talk to your provider learn about what theft preventions tools they offer.