Knowledge is Power: The Importance of Training

You know the saying, “luck favors the prepared,” right? One of the best ways to be prepared to efficiently serve your customers and surpass their expectations is to be fluent in the technology and hardware that powers your MicroMarkets. Many MicroMarket technology providers offer trainings. If you’re new to MicroMarkets, then it is a good idea to inquire about what types of trainings are available. If you are a veteran in the industry, then attending trainings is good way to stay up-to-date on the latest technology updates and industry best practices.

One of the best things you can do is reach out to your provider when have you have questions.  There’s nothing worse than wasting valuable time and manpower trying to solve a problem that could be solved by utilizing features that are built into your software. 365 Retail Markets works very hard to ensure that their customers know that they are not alone and encourages customers to reach out with their “open door” policy.

“There have been instances where operators have spent several hours or days implementing a function or customer change, but when they talked to us about their frustration, we told them about easy and efficient functionalities that were built into the backend software that allowed them to accomplish their tasks in a matter of minutes,” said 365’s Sales Director, John Veit, “If they had come to us sooner, we could have saved them many hours of frustration!”

MicroMarket technology providers are constantly developing new features to help you run your business more efficiently, and you may not realize what features your technology has to offer. Without going to the trainings, you could be missing out on key business-boosting opportunities.

Here are a few key topics that trainings can cover:

  • Kiosk installation and maintenance
  • Reporting and analysis
  • Inventory management,
  • Promotions, pricing, and product selections

Who from your team should attend these trainings?

Anyone from the Operations Team who:

  • is directly involved with running the day-to-day operations
  • works in, or services the markets
  • needs to pull and manage the reports

We have found that middle management, route drivers, technicians, etc. get the most value out of these trainings.

Talk to your provider about any upcoming live or pre-recorded webinars that are available. Also, look into user groups or conferences that you can attend. It is a great opportunity to get firsthand knowledge from your provider, as well as network with other Operators of varying experience levels and find out any tips and tricks that they have.

For example, 365 Retail Markets is hosting its third annual MEET User Group, April 18, 2017, ahead of the NAMA OneShow. MEET is open to current 365 customers looking to gain key insights on how to effectively run their MicroMarket operations using 365’s technology. 365 encourages owners, operators, administrators, managers and technicians to attend and pick their brains. 

There’s no need to trust your business to luck or “go at it” alone.  By taking advantage of the trainings offered by your MicroMarket provider, you are better prepared to confidently and efficiently run your business and provide superior service to your customers.

Knowledge is power, but SHARED knowledge is even MORE powerful. Are you armed and ready? If not, that’s okay, just ask us.