PayRange Announces Mobile App Compatibility With Apple VoiceOver

March 4, 2015

PayRange Inc. announced that the PayRange mobile app for iOS is now enabled to work with Apple VoiceOver.

VoiceOver, a gesture-based screen reader, allows visually impaired users to hear a description of everything happening on their screen, from battery level to who's calling to which app their finger is on.

PayRange's iOS mobile app will notify VoiceOver users of the dollar amount allotted to them, in addition to letting the user know with which machine the app is communicating. The app will speak phrases such as "Apply payment," "Cancel payment," and "Snack machine near elevator."

"This is an industry first as it pertains to cashless payment devices," said Brian Gill, director of sales and strategic partnerships at PayRange. "Some vending machines have Braille for visually impaired users, but until now, nothing like this existed in the form of mobile payments in vending."

The new feature will not only benefit visually impaired customers, but operators as well. "This new VoiceOver option with PayRange is very valuable," said Gary Nelson, president of Liberty Bell Vending. "It will make a big difference for the blind community.” Nicky Gacos, president of the National Association of Blind Merchants, agrees. “This is just one phase of accessibility that we’re working with PayRange on, and that’s the exciting thing. It’s a huge benefit for the blind customer and the blind operator,” he said. “This new feature shows great initiative by PayRange and we’re excited to be working with them.”

Paresh Patel, founder and CEO of PayRange added, “PayRange is committed to providing all Americans accessible payment options for vending machines. We want to ensure that payment is possible whether the user is visually impaired or in a wheelchair and unable to reach.”

Dan Sippl, president of Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America, noted that the new feature shows accessibility can be done and in a cost-effective manner. "I was amazed with the work that went into the app. PayRange covered the bases and didn't miss a thing. Without a doubt, it will be beneficial," he said. 


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Mobile payment systems


March 18, 2014
World’s leading payment network for coin-op machines. PayRange provides the simplest, most accessible mobile payment and rewards service for vending, laundry, amusement, and more...