Prism Visual Software, Inc.

Port Washington, NY 11050


About Prism Visual Software, Inc.


1 Sagamore Hill Drive
Port Washington, NY 11050
United States

More Info on Prism Visual Software, Inc.

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Prism provides operational route accounting software systems for route sales, pre-order, delivery, and equipment service companies in DSD and food & beverage distribution (perishable and non-perishable) and in equipment service management. Prism's operational solutions benefit small, mid-sized, and large companies.

Articles & News

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PrairieFire Coffee - the right name for the right business

March 4, 2013
A strong brand, dedicated marketing, quality beans and an eye for trends, grew this Wichita, Kan.-based OCS operator into a regional giant serving seven states.


Lynn Keating

VP Marketing

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All content from Prism Visual Software, Inc.

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Route Sales, Pre Order Delivery & Equipment Service Software

Oct. 24, 2012
Supports Android & Windows Mobile Smartphone Integrates with QuickBooks, Sage, GP Dynamics , etc Provides Visual Dispatch & Route Optimization Emails Invoices and Marketing with...