SunBurst Foods Inc.

Goldsboro, NC 27534


About SunBurst Foods Inc.


1002 SunBurst Dr
Goldsboro, NC 27534
United States

More Info on SunBurst Foods Inc.

SunBurst Foods, Inc. has been serving up a "Quantity of Quality" since 1947. The company has experienced several levels of growth and now we are in our present facility located in Goldsboro, NC. Through means of distribution and state of the art packaging we have grown geographically and reach 7 states with more expected in our future. We attribute this growth to seeking out the highest quality ingredients, listening to the needs of our customers and remaining competitive in the marketplace.

Articles & News

Vmw John 10278980

John Martin Retires From SunBurst Foods Inc.

July 22, 2014
John Martin, a 25-year veteran of the food and refreshments industry, has retired. He most recently worked in business development for SunBurst Foods Inc. in Goldsboro, N.C. Before...

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