Lacas Coffee Co.

Pennsauken, NJ 08110


About Lacas Coffee Co.


7950 National Hwy.
Pennsauken, NJ 08110
United States of America

More Info on Lacas Coffee Co.

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We have a passion for coffee and we like to share that with our customers. All of our coffees are 100% new crop arabicas roasted to your order. Over the last 90 years our family owned and operated business has refined our roasting process and developed many skilled coffee crafts people. Roast Master Rob Johnson and Production Operations Manager Joe Ronketty have worked carefully to coordinate roasting and production of just in time coffees for our customers. Rob, John Vastardis and Michael Vlahos select the green coffees and determine the specifications of all of our Lacas coffees. Michael is also a certified coffee grader for the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE).

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