Metro Snacks

Staten Island, NY 10306


About Metro Snacks


356 Tysens Lane
Staten Island, NY 10306
United States of America

More Info on Metro Snacks

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Metro Snacks is a premier supplier and distributor of packaged nuts and snacks for wholesale and retail in the Northeast and New York areas. The company has been in business for more than 125 years with a product line ranging from a wide variety of nuts, dried fruits, trail mixes, and party snacks to dark and creamy chocolates. 

Products and Press Releases

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The House of Bazzini Nuts & Snacks

Sept. 24, 2014
Metro Snacks introduces its line of Bazzini Nuts, Snacks and Better For You bars. The House of Bazzini product line includes an array of items to fit vending and micro market ...

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