Live From The National Automatic Merchandising Association OneShow: Atlanta, Ga. Vendor "Fired Up" By Innovations

May 13, 2010

Mack Wilbourn of MWJ Vending in Atlanta, Ga. was "fired up" by the exciting things the saw at the National Automatic Merchandising Association OneShow in Chicago. He was most impressed by the Kraft/Crane Diji Touch machine, which features a large graphic touchscreen. Wilbourn noted this is among the tools to display the nutritional content in the machines. He was also impressed by some of the new products, namely Nathan's hot dogs for vending.


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Kraft Vending & OCS

Aug. 18, 2011
Description: With an unrivaled portfolio of brands people love, Kraft Vending & OCS is your strategic partner devoted to developing business solutions. Proudly marketing delicious...