PayRange Experiences Significant Expansion Of Its Team To Handle Sales Growth

Oct. 1, 2015

PORTLAND, OR (October 1, 2015) – PayRange Inc., maker of the world’s simplest mobile payment solution for machines, today announced that is has been expanding its sales and account management team over the past few months to handle exponential sales growth. In May 2015, after the NAMA OneShow, the company had 13 employees; today, the company has 34 employees and it has another 16 positions posted on its website.

“We had spent much of the past year in building out a full-featured product and deploying trials across the country,” stated PayRange founder and CEO Paresh Patel. “We now have hundreds of customers across all 50 states and in Canada. The response by vending consumers has been positive – our operators are finding average weekly spending per user is higher for mobile users as compared to cash or card users. In addition, the operators are seeing payback of the BluKey device on average of just 2 – 3 months, and are now working to deploy into more machines. PayRange is building out the sales and account management teams so we can better handle the growth we’re experiencing.”

While the PayRange mobile payment system is a form of cashless payment, the total investment is a fraction of the cost of card systems which allows operators to deploy much wider. Moreover, the lack of monthly recurring fees makes the cashless system economically viable for machines of any volume.

“Operators are realizing that PayRange can be installed on virtually every machine that has a bill acceptor – for a fraction of the cost of a bill acceptor or card reader solution,” stated Brian Gill, Director of Sales. “We’re happy to be pioneering a new way for operators to accept payment. Operators rarely do a ROI calculation on a bill acceptor – they realize every machine needs a bill acceptor to make the sale. PayRange is the equivalent of the “bill acceptor” for the millennium generation – this generation may not have bills in their pockets, but they certainly have a smart phone.”

In addition to sales and account management, the company is seeking experienced technicians for field deployment and implementation positions. Interested parties wishing to join the mobile payment movement can view open postings on the PayRange website, or they may reach out to Brian Gill, Mark Bentley, or Paresh Patel.

The PayRange mobile app, available for both iOS and Android devices, allows consumers to purchase products from unattended retail sites securely, entirely via mobile device via Bluetooth technology. The app has been well received having a five star rating in the App Store with consumers commenting on how much they like the new way to pay vending.


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Mobile payment systems


March 18, 2014
World’s leading payment network for coin-op machines. PayRange provides the simplest, most accessible mobile payment and rewards service for vending, laundry, amusement, and more...