Green Mountain Naturals Names Alabama Educator 2012 America's Most Inspiring Teacher Via Facebook

Nov. 15, 2012

Donna King was voted America's Most Inspiring Teacher in 2012 by the Green Mountain Naturals® Facebook community in its annual Apple for a Teacher contest. The special education teacher from Bankhead Middle School in Cordova, Ala. will receive a $10,000 school grant, as well as a one year's supply of Hot Apple Cider K-Cup® packs for her school, to continue the inspiring work she does in the classroom every day.

"Donna King is a very special, special education teacher," wrote nominator Betty Hoffman, who also won a Keurig® brewer and Hot Apple Cider K-Cup® packs for her nomination. "She doesn't give up on her students and doesn't let them give up on themselves. April 27, 2011, brought two very destructive tornadoes to Cordova, Ala., and Donna reached out to her community and students with love and support to help them and their families get through this terrible time."

In October, Green Mountain Naturals® Facebook fans were invited to nominate a teacher who has inspired them or their children in its Apple for a Teacher contest. An expert panel, including Kristen Doyle of Dine & Dish, Dr. Joseph V.Erardi, Jr., Superintendent of Southington, CT Public Schools, and last year's Most Inspiring Teacher, Jennifer Kelsey, then reviewed entries and narrowed it down to the top five finalists for Green Mountain Naturals® fans to vote. With over 300 entries, King ignited the hearts and minds of fans to become Green Mountain Naturals' inspirational teacher of the year.

"I am just so excited for our school. We have a little school and we've had so much tragedy with the tornadoes," said King, the newly dubbed 2012 America's Most Inspiring Teacher from Bankhead Middle School in Cordova, Ala., in a prepared statement. "I am just so thrilled and grateful to be able to give something back to the kids."

Green Mountain Naturals® is part of the family of brands in GMCR's specialty coffee business unit.


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