Jackson, Mich. Foodservice Director Disputes Physicians’ Recommendation To End School Milk Requirement

Aug. 2, 2012

The school foodservice director for the Jackson, Mich. schools disagrees with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, which has petitioned the U.S. Department of Agriculture to recommend that Congress amend the National School Lunch Act to exclude dairy milk as a required component of school lunch programs, saying it is high in sugar and fat, according to The Jackson Citizen Patriot. For the full story, click here

Editor’s Insight: Because this debate has become one of the most hotly contested issues ever among nutritionists and medical experts, vending operators who provide milk need to be prepared to answer questions about it. While most customers may not look to vending operators as nutrition experts, it is not inconceivable that some customers will ask their vending operator where they stand on this issue.

Vending operators can address this sufficiently by recommending a balanced diet. 08-02-12 By Elliot Maras