USA Technologies Inc. To Join Russell Microcap Index

July 22, 2014

USA Technologies, Inc. is set to join the Russell Microcap Index when Russell Investments reconstitutes its family of U.S. indexes on June 24, 2011, according to a preliminary list of additions posted June 10, 2011 on

Membership in the Russell Microcap Index remains in place for one year. The Russell Microcap Index measures the performance of the microcap segment of the U.S. Equity Market. Russell determines membership for its U.S. equity indexes by objective rules, such as market-capitalization rankings.

George Jensen, CEO of USA Technologies, Inc., said in a prepared statement, "Inclusion in the Russell Microcap Index is an important event for USA Technologies, and we believe exposes our stock to a wide audience of investment managers."

Russell Indexes are widely used as benchmarks for both passive and active investment strategies, and $3.9 trillion in investment assets are currently benchmarked to them.

The Russell Indexes originated in the early 1980s from Russell's insights about investment management behavior, and were designed to produce indexes that objectively track performance and better reflect investment management behavior.

More information on the Russell Microcap and other Russell Indexes, including daily returns, is available at


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USA Technologies

May 30, 2007
USA Technologies is a proven leader in secure Cashless Transactions Unattended Point-of-Sale, Networked Services, and Energy Conservation Solutions