Delaware Lawmakers Consider Banning Trans Fats In Schools

June 9, 2011

The Delaware state senate is ready to take up a bill that would prohibit public schools from serving foods and beverages containing industrially produced trans fats to students, according to MSNBC. 

For the full story click here. 

Editor’s Insight: Delaware joins a list of states and municipalities that seek to restrict trans fats in school food.

This trend is one reason that federal nutrition labeling on food packages is important. Once federal standards are in place, state and local politicians will be less inclined to propose their own rules which would create more problems than they would solve.

Yesterday, VendingMarketWatch urged vending operators to submit comments to the Food and Drug Administration on the proposed calorie disclosure rules.

The proposed Food and Drug Administration’s calorie labeling rule requires restaurants and vending machines to list the amount of calories from trans fats. 06-09-11 by Elliot Maras