Iowa Lawmakers Examine Magazine Vending Machines At Rest Areas

Feb. 22, 2011
Iowa Lawmakers Examine Magazine Vending Machines At Rest Areas

Some Iowa state lawmakers want to address the clutter of publication vending machines at Iowa's interstate rest areas, a well-traveled legislative road that usually ends at the courthouse, according Gazette in Cedar Rapids, Ia.

For the full story click here.

Editor's Insight: Magazine vending machines are not usually operated by refreshment service operators, but they do impact the way consumers view vending in general.

Magazine vending machines at rest stops have long been an eyesore.

While these types of machines are not operated by refreshment service operators, refreshment service operators should support efforts to improve the visual appearance of all types of vending machines.

Another news item in today's VendingMarketWatch notes that the York, Pa. city council seeks to ban all types of vending machines from city streets since they are considered unsightly. 02-22-11 Elliot Maras