How to answer the questions everyone asks about micro markets

Oct. 13, 2014
When introducing a micro market to a location, operators need to have talking points that cover security, connectivity, wellness and commissions. Joe Hessling, 365 Retail Markets, shares the top five questions and how micro market operators can best respo

Joe Hessling, 365 Retail Markets, shares the top five questions all locations ask about micro markets and how micro market operators can best respond.

Q: How do I know my employees’ credit cards are safe?

A: Any good micro market technology provider will be Payment Card Industry (PCI) certified, which we are, meaning that we are examined by the PCI standards council in order to ensure the credit card information is maintained in a secure environment.

Q: What stops people from stealing?

A: Most people are honest and theft from micro markets is reported to be less than the national retail average. However, if it becomes a problem (usually over 3 percent), we can always re-install vending machines or develop a subsidy model to cover the losses. 

Q: Our company doesn’t want you on our corporate network, what are my options?

A: There are thousands of payment centers operating safely on corporate networks around the world. If you are certain being on the corporate network is not an option, we can bring a digital subscriber line (DSL) or equivalent into the building. As a last resort, we can purchase a mobile air card and cradlepoint router to get internet via cellular technology.

Q: Our company has a corporate wellness guideline that we would like you to help us with, what can you offer?

A: We can offer many promotional ways to price healthy items in a subsidized manner and present you with an invoice for the difference each month, the payment center reporting makes that very easy for us. Also, we can offer reports on the popularity of items you would like us to carry that fit the profile.

Q: We currently receive commissions from our vending and you are not offering us a commission, why should make the change?

A: This is a service based model that we usually charge customers for. The value and benefit to your employees far exceeds any commissions our company could ever provide. 


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365 Retail Markets

July 16, 2012
365 Retail Markets is the global leader of self-service convenience technologies and strategic partnerships with foodservice operators worldwide. 365's combination of micro market...