Dispensing Components, Inc.

Eden Prairie, MN 55346


About Dispensing Components, Inc.


6520 Edenvale Blvd #115
Eden Prairie, MN 55346
United States

More Info on Dispensing Components, Inc.

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Dispensing Components,Inc (DCI) based in Minneapolis, MN, distributes for Componenti Vending SpA, CEME SpA (Ulka pumps)and now DIGMESA flow meters.

DCI provides peristaltic pumps, solenoid pumps, solenoid valves, water counters, hoppers, canisters, mixing systems, motors, grinders, brewers and other components and technology to OEMs.  We regularly serve manufacturers of food and beverage equipment like coffee machines and juice machines.  DCI's parts are also found in industrial, agricultural and appliance industries.

Dispensing Components can provide off the shelf or customized “lego like” components or complete machine development.  DCI also offers replacement parts.

Products and Press Releases

Clamshell pump 633
Plates, cups, utensils, napkins

Peristaltic Pump

May 3, 2013
Componenti's peristaltic pump, also known as Clam shell pump, series 633 is perfect for pumping a wide variety of liquids like syrups, flavors, detergents, and sanitizers. NSF...

Articles & News

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Dispensing Components Inc. Turns 41

July 2, 2013
Dispensing Components Inc. (DCI) announced that it has been in business for 41 years this year.DCI began by supplying components to the original manufacturers of automatic hot...

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