Axis Designs & Architectural Millwork

Sugar Grove, IL 60554


About Axis Designs & Architectural Millwork


239 South Route 47
Sugar Grove, IL 60554
United States

More Info on Axis Designs & Architectural Millwork

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Cafeteria & breakroom furnishings. Consultation, design, & full installation services available.

Products and Press Releases

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Micro Market

Micro Market Fixtures

Dec. 1, 2015
Micro-Market Fixtures by Axis Designs make new account set-up as easy as 1-2-3-4! Perform site survey and upload photos and measurements We provide a layout for your approval ...

Articles & News

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Micro Market

The Evolution Of Micro Market Displays

Oct. 15, 2018
Trail blazers of the micro market solution had a challenge. They needed to fit a retail concept into a breakroom, often using the same footprint as the old vending machines. These...

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